The Lord has given our church unprecedented growth in recent years. In 9 short years, our weekend attendance has grown from 460 to over 1,600. We are maximizing our present facility by offering a 3-service Sunday schedule and a 4th service option is on the horizon. We believe God is sending even greater growth in the months and years ahead.
The Pointing Forward campaign gives you an opportunity to financially invest in the building of a new state of the art worship center that will seat over 1,000 in one service. This will also provide incredible growth to our Pointe Student ministries as they will use the current worship center for their services. This further gives more space for our Pointe Kids and Pointe Kids, Jr. ministries as they will utilize the entire FLC building. People of all ages will be developed into passionate followers of Jesus because of this endeavor. God has done great things, but we believe the best is yet to come!
The Pointing Forward campaign gives you an opportunity to financially invest in the building of a new state of the art worship center that will seat over 1,000 in one service. This will also provide incredible growth to our Pointe Student ministries as they will use the current worship center for their services. This further gives more space for our Pointe Kids and Pointe Kids, Jr. ministries as they will utilize the entire FLC building. People of all ages will be developed into passionate followers of Jesus because of this endeavor. God has done great things, but we believe the best is yet to come!

Pastor Chad Smith

The Lord has given our church unprecedented growth in recent years. In 9 short years, our weekend attendance has grown from 460 to over 1,600. We are maximizing our present facility by offering a 3-service Sunday schedule and a 4th service option is on the horizon. We believe God is sending even greater growth in the months and years ahead.
The Pointing Forward campaign gives you an opportunity to financially invest in the building of a new state of the art worship center that will seat over 1,000 in one service. This will also provide incredible growth to our Pointe Student ministries as they will use the current worship center for their services. This further gives more space for our Pointe Kids and Pointe Kids, Jr. ministries as they will utilize the entire FLC building. People of all ages will be developed into passionate followers of Jesus because of this endeavor. God has done great things, but we believe the best is yet to come!
The Pointing Forward campaign gives you an opportunity to financially invest in the building of a new state of the art worship center that will seat over 1,000 in one service. This will also provide incredible growth to our Pointe Student ministries as they will use the current worship center for their services. This further gives more space for our Pointe Kids and Pointe Kids, Jr. ministries as they will utilize the entire FLC building. People of all ages will be developed into passionate followers of Jesus because of this endeavor. God has done great things, but we believe the best is yet to come!

Pastor Chad Smith

Master Plan

West Entrance

South East Entrance

Lower Level

Upper Level

Worship Center

Worship Center
Building a home for future generations to live in community.
For the next 39 months, we're entering into a new season of investing and commitment as we point forward to the future God has for our family and our community here at The Pointe. We have our sights set on building a new, larger worship facility to create space for more people to encounter the power, presence, & transforming work of the Holy Spirit!
Are you interested in being a part of these efforts?
Are you interested in being a part of these efforts?
Building a home for future generations to live in community.
For the next 39 months, we're entering into a new season of investing and commitment as we point forward to the future God has for our family and our community here at The Pointe. We have our sights set on building a new, larger worship facility to create space for more people to encounter the power, presence, & transforming work of the Holy Spirit!
Are you interested in being a part of these efforts?
Are you interested in being a part of these efforts?
My Giving Potential

- Consider what you could possible give 'over & above' normal giving for the next 39 months.
- The giving table is only a guide to help jump-start your thoughts on possible giving scenarios; where does your comfort level place you? Can God help you believe for the next level up?
- Prayerfully ask for the Lord to direct your commitment. Obey His voice over all others.
Investor Relations
The church has issued bonds, to finance our construction project. To facilitate compliance with securities regulations, certain church issuer information has been made publicly available.
My Giving Potential

- Consider what you could possible give 'over & above' normal giving for the next 39 months.
- The giving table is only a guide to help jump-start your thoughts on possible giving scenarios; where does your comfort level place you? Can God help you believe for the next level up?
- Prayerfully ask for the Lord to direct your commitment. Obey His voice over all others.